Group Exercise – a supportive community


In this article I’ll explore the benefits of group exercise as oppose to trying to do it by yourself. We will look at why it’s so important for those wanting to get fitter and healthier plug into a fitness community.  Not only that, but we will see how this type of exercise helps individuals reach and maintain their health and fitness goals successfully.

I have been teaching exercise in one form or another for over 20 years.  It has been my full time occupation now for 8 years, and one of my greatest delights while teaching and training is to see people connect with one another and form a supportive and motivating fitness community.

I remember from my days of attending exercise classes how much fun it is to work out with friends, and have friends support and encourage you in your fitness goals.  But beyond that there is an added element of motivation that comes with being part of a group.  

This can be true of health and fitness clubs to a degree, but there is always the added element of being surrounded by mirrors, and working out with others you don’t know, who seem to be so much fitter than you are.  In a traditional health club environment, this can be the opposite of motivating, and many people have left feeling discouraged and given up before they even start.

At our Community Center location we do not have mirrors, which for many is a HUGE positive.  It makes sense to me that watching yourself and others exercise can be discouraging for those with insecurities about their body image and their abilities in a group class.  As much as a mirror can help us with our form, it can also highlight comparisons between exercisers in such a way as to be discouraging.  As quoted in this study “ Women in a mirrored environment reported greater self-consciousness and more social comparisons”

It also seems that our fitness community has been truly blessed with some of the very nicest people!  I am always so excited to see new participants welcomed and befriended when they join a class.  Many come and meet people they haven’t seen in a long time but used to know, so old friendships are reignited.  There is a wonderfully supportive element in our classes, and it’s very exciting to see people feeling accepted and encouraged not only by me but by their fellow class participants.


To continue to encourage the enrichment and growth of our fitness community, every month or so we invite those currently attending our classes or coming to me for one-on-one training, to join us for a meal at a local restaurant.  This added social element is designed to enrich our relationships with one another, and promote the continuation of support in our quest to reach and maintain our health and fitness goals.  Of course if one is to be truly and wholly healthy, then there is a psychological aspect to be considered.  Feeling accepted, loved, encouraged and supported by other members of our community makes us overall happier and more positive people.  Ergo our psychological health is also nurtured in a social or exercising group environment.

Personal Training is another method that has been proven highly effective in achieving and maintaining health and fitness goals.  The accountability of having a weekly or twice weekly appointment with a trainer is key to ensuring you are sticking to an exercise program and working towards your goals. As quoted in this article  “Anyone who has worked with an exercise professional understands that a personal trainer offers much more than just exercise advice and company during a workout. An experienced, educated and encouraging trainer will offer lifestyle coaching, time management and support on staying motivated. A registered personal trainer will also be able to tailor each exercise session to your individual needs, fitness & exercise levels, and health and injury history. Your workouts will be safe and effective.”

As you start this new year, consider what you would like to accomplish in the area of health and fitness.  Nothing is more important!  Ask yourself the following questions  

  • Am I stressed?  If so how can I decrease my stress?
  • Do I get enough exercise daily?
  • Is my diet healthy?
  • Do I have happy healthy relationships?

In answering the above questions, think about baby steps towards a happier healthier you.  Consider becoming part of a community that will support and encourage you in your goals.  Take one tiny step today towards improving your health and ultimately your life.

For those interested, below are links to studies that show the benefits of a supportive group when starting an exercise and fitness routine.

 Benefits of group support for weight loss and fitness maintenance

Group motivation for fitness

Positive peer pressure






57076032050__3B5225C3-F7AC-4243-90FC-CF861DC40E15 Falafels are originally an Egyptian food.  There are a variety of options for spices and cooking and I will offer both here.  I have never really been a big fan of falafel, but my kids love them and aside from the deep fried variety, they are a great source of protein if you are vegetarian and also are filling without being high in calories.  Of course once you deep fry them they become less healthy and need to be eaten in moderation.  I got an air fryer for Christmas and find they cook well in the air fryer, but are not as moist as the deep fried variety, so need to be served with a dip.

The trick to making them is to not use canned chickpeas.  Buy dried chickpeas and soak them overnight for the best results.  Spices used should be to your taste, and I have put below an optional cardamom addition, but we did find this flavor a bit overpowering so beware.

  • 1 cup dried chickpeas
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon red pepper (optional)
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • 4 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 1 teaspoon corrianda
  • 1 teaspoon cumineaten with sauces of which there are a number that go very nicely
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoon fresh cilantro leaves (optional)57076160319__BFF508EB-0662-4206-94A0-BE317A3FDAB1
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1-2 cloves garlic

Directions:  After soaking chickpeas overnight, add all ingredients to a food processor and pulse until mixture is finely ground but not paste like.   Chickpeas will still be in tiny pieces.  Make mixture into small balls and at this point they can be refrigerated or frozen until you are ready to cook them.

A fried falafel of about 3.5oz is about 330 calories.  A baked falafel has less than 100 calories but since it is quite dry does require the addition of sauces which will, of course, add calories.

Suggested accompaniments:  guacamole, Tahini sauce, hummus.  I had mine with cottage cheese which tasted good.  I read that hot sauce is a favorite for those who like a spicier falafel.

To cook them, either shallow fry, deep fry, bake or air fry.  I air fried my first batch at 375 for 20 minutes.

Sandy’s weight loss journey

My Weight Loss Journey

August 4th – At our last weigh in Sandy was down to 275 1bs – lower than she has ever been in her adult life!  We will keep you posted of her progress as we continue on this amazing and inspirational journey!

Picture below at heaviest 388 1bs       Picture below down to 315 1b           Recently taken at 285 1bs

IMG_5857    IMG_6136IMG_1172

“While watching the January 2013 Football playoffs, I realized that I weighed more than every single NFL Player on every team.  In fact, I outweighed even the Line Backers and Blockers by 60 or 70 pounds.  When I finally got to an “honest” scale, I was at 388 pounds – 12 pounds from weighing 400 pounds!

That’s when I decided I had to do something immediately to get my weight under control and at least down to the mid-200’s.

I first started by eliminating butter and all things (except veggies) that I used butter on.  I lost 30 pound my first month.  Then I started eating more fresh and steamed vegetables and fresh fruit.  I also started walking around my apartment complex. Within ten months I was down 80 pounds. During the next six months, I had lost 110 pounds.  I felt great.

Then the holidays hit and I gained back 20 pounds.  For the next year I managed to gain and lose that 20 pounds four times. So I signed up for a swimming membership at Somerset Swim and Fitnes in Nashua. In a year I went 6 times. Then it came time to renew my membership.  This time I started swimming 3 times a week.

Then I made the smartest decision of my life, I started working out in the pool with Janine Myers twice a week for an hour each time.  She taught me how to do exercise in the water correctly.  I was able to firm up my legs, arms and core. 

But even with all the help, during holidays and vacations, I would gain back 20 or 30 pounds.  So I said enough and in mid-April this year, I started doing floor exercise at Janine’s studio.  I’m pleased to say that I have lost those miserable extra pounds, and I’m back to my 100 pound lost and still dropping!

I work-out with Janine 3-4 hours a week, doing a variety of exercise and stretching and water aerobics. Following is a list of things I can do today that I could not do 3 years ago.




Head to Toe changes, I can now:

  • Turn my head so my chin is over either shoulder
  • Raise both arms straight up so my shoulders are even with my ears
  • Rotate both arms in full wide circles front to back (I can swim over-hand for the first time in 20 years)
  • Stretch my arm over my head and touch my fingers to the middle of my shoulder blades
  • Reach my arm behind my back and touch the middle of my back
  • Reach behind my back grasping left wrist with right hand
  • Bend down and touch my toes (and place hands flat on floor)
  • Get down and up from the floor easily without using furniture to get up
  • Laying flat on floor, raise leg straight up and hold it there
  • Do sit-ups, straight legged with someone holding my feet
  • Do a 30-second plank
  • Do squats without groaning and knees popping
  • Sit down and get up from couch and chairs without using armrest
  • Get in and out of my car (a Honda FIT) without leaning or using the door as a brace
  • Can stand up to get dressed (I have always had to sit on my bed to put on pants, socks and shoes), now I can balance on one foot to put on pants. And I can bend over to tie my shoes
  • I can stand in my kitchen and work without having to stop every 10 minutes to sit down and rest my back
  • I can walk 3 miles in 55 minutes without resting, I can also walk 5 miles in 1.5 hours
  • I swim laps in the pool for 1 hour without stopping then do 2 hours of water aerobics

Every day I am finding more and more things I can do that I have not been able to do in years.   I have so much more energy and I walk briskly with my shoulders back, head up and with confidence in myself that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to do.  

That is the greatest thing I have gained in working with Janine.  I have confidence in my ability to take on new challenges and know that I can do it.  I am so lucky I met Janine and started working with her. She has given me back my confidence and my love for life.

In December this year I will turn 68 years old.  I am in the best physical and mental shape of my life. I only have another 120 pounds to lose, and I know with Janine’s guidance and help, I’ll get to my healthy weight and have all the energy I need to enjoy my life.”


Sprouting 101

Sprouting 101

Sprouting is easy and fun!  I love to eat sprouts as do my whole family, and usually have 3-4 types on the go.  Once you begin sprouting you will see how easy it really is.  With a little daily maintenance you will be enjoying delicious sprouts in just a few days.

Sprouts are probably of the most nutritious and vitamin packed foods you can eat.  If you are looking for a way to get the most amount of nutrition out of the least amount of food, this is your answer!  To see specifically which vitamins and minerals you find in which sprouts visit the SproutPeople website:

When you eat vegetables you are eating only a small part of the whole plant, but when eating a sprout coming directly from a seed you are eating the entire plant!  Not only are you consuming many vitamins and minerals, but also all the good cancer-preventing, anti-inflammatory, blood-cleansing and immune boosting phytochemicals all packed into that small seed.  Plus you are going to be able to eat a bunch of them!









First of all you need a sprouting jar (see picture).  Of course you can make yourown, just use some gauze and an elastic band over the mouth of the jar so you can rinse and drain your sprouts without losing any.  These jars that I use come with a metal mesh at the mouth as you see, which works really well.

Step 1. Buy your seeds.  I buy mine on amazon and make sure to get organic seeds.  For jar sprouting I like Mung beans, Alfalfa and Wheat berries which I make into Manna bread (see recipe: Home made sprouted manna bread)

Step 2.  Soak your seeds for 10 hours or overnight.  In one of these jars I usually use about 2 tablespoons of Alfalfa seeds, 1/2-3/4 cup of Mung beans and 3/4 cup of wheat berries.  You can fill the jar to about half full with water.

Step 3.  Drain seeds.  Pour out as much water as you can.  Tip jar on it’s side and put on a counter somewhere.

Step 4.  Rinsing.  You should rinse your seeds at least twice a day, three times if you think of it.  Fill the jar back up with water, and drain getting rid of as much water as you can.

Step 5.  Expose them to light so they can green up.  Perhaps you have them in a pretty light area on your counter top, but in case you don’t be sure that once they start to grow they have light.  That enables them to undergo photosynthesis and become green.  The chlorophyll incorporated by light exposure has multiple health benefits.  For more information on Chlorophyll and sprouting, visit the sprout people website:

Step 6.  When are they ready?  Mung beans only take a couple of days, and once they have little white shoots coming out of them I put them in the refrigerator, in a closed container with folded paper towel at the bottom to ensure any excess moisture doesn’t spoil them.  Alfalfa may take a little longer, and once it’s almost filling the jar you can put it in the refrigerator in an airtight container.  The most important thing is to make sure the sprouts are completely dry before storing them.  You can let them drain 8-10 hours after the final rinse, or use a salad spinner to release any extra moisture.  If they go bad in the refrigerator quickly its because they were stored wet.

Interesting fact:  Alfalfa sprouts contain potassium, magnesium and calcium – a winning triad of electrolyte minerals that your body needs especially after working out, along with water and salt!  So make yourself one of my home made sports drinks, and grab a big chunk of alfalfa!  Or better yet, make yourself a green smoothie and add some alfalfa.

Home made sports drink

Home made sports drink

So when our bodies sweat, we lose sodium and potassium and water.  We need to replenish our bodies to ensure adequate recovery and also to avoid muscle cramps.  The commercial drinks are filled with sugar and synthetic vitamins which are hard for your body to absorb.  Coconut water is really natures sports drink containing natural electrolytes.  Adding coconut water to this drink which also contains sodium will help replenish your body and bring things back into balance to ensure proper muscle recovery, and help prevent muscle cramping.

  • 1-1.5 Tablespoon raw honey
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 Teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 Cup coconut water
  • 1 Cup water

Dissolve salt and honey in 1/2 cup boiling water.  Add lemon juice, coconut water and the rest of the water (preferably filtered).  Add ice cubes and drink after or during workout.

Spinach and Avocado Green Smoothie

Spinach and Avocado Green Smoothie


In the summer, I always make my son and I a green smoothie for when he gets home from school.  It’s a great way to ensure he gets some good green veggies and he loves them!

This smoothie contains about 350 calories and can be a great lunch alternative if you add some Hemp protein powder to it, which will bump up the calorie count by just over 100 calories (I get Hemp Vanilla Protein powder at Trader Jo’s), but ensure you are getting a good nutritious lunch.  It’s so easy to make if you have the ingredients on hand.  Make sure you have a good blender that will crush ice – I use a Vitamix but there are others out there that will work just as well.

  • 1/4 medium avocado
  • 1 banana
  • 2 cups raw baby organic spinach
  • 1/2 cup whole milk organic vanilla yogurt (I use Trader Jo’s)
  • 1/2 cup soy milk (again I use Trader Jo’s unsweetened)
  • 2/3 cup ice

Simply put all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

Coconut Heaven Smoothie

Coconut Heaven Smoothie

So this smoothie is ideal for those who love love love coconut!  Coconut is a superfood, and so this smoothie is incredibly nutritious and delicious!  One 14oz smoothie has about 350 calories and is ideal for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon nutrition boost, or to replenish your body after a workout. As a side note:  Coconut water contains natural electrolites so get rid of those sugary sports drinks, and replace them with a refreshing glass of low calorie coconut water.

  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut cream
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup of coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon of unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 2/3 cup ice

Simply add the above ingredients to a blender that is strong enough to blend the ice, and blend until smooth.  To turn this into a ChocoCoconut Heaven smoothie simply add a teaspoon of raw cacao (or you can use regular coco powder)

Easy Paprika Oven Baked Fries

Easy Paprika Oven Baked Fries


If you love french fries, but try to avoid them because they are deep fried in who knows what kind of bad oil, then these will be a great substitute!  They taste wonderful, are not deep fried but baked, and are super easy to make.

Use red and/or sweet potatoes

Choose the number of potatoes based on how many you are serving

Cut potatoes into cubes or french fry shapes

Coat potatoes in a high heat oil, avocado or grapeseed  (note:  if you use olive oil, do not bake at 400, bake for longer at 350 degrees)

Sprinkle liberally with sea salt and paprika

Bake for 30-45 minutes depending on the temperature, removing from the oven after 20 minutes to move the fries and turn them over.


Stir Fried Vegetable Medley

Stir Fried Vegetable Medley


I use all organic ingredients where possible.  This is a great accompaniment to be served with rice, add some black beans for a complete protein and a wonderful vegetarian meal.  You can really play around with the amounts and also add other vegetables to the mix.  Sometimes I add a can of tomatoes also and make more of a ratatoui type dish.  You can also add a can of black beans to add some protein if you are serving as a vegetarian dish with rice.

  • 2 tablespoons avocado, olive, grapeseed or safflower oil.
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • 1 cup chopped or coarsely grated carrot
  • 1 green, red, orange or yellow pepper
  • 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 cup frozen sweet corn
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas

Heat oil briefly, then add onions, celery and carrots.  Salute for 5 minutes then add pepper and onions.  Add corn and peas and sprinkle with salt.  Cook until tender and serve over rice.