Home Made Vegetable Pizza with home made Coleslaw

For the dough – this recipe makes 2 large pizzas
- 3 cups flour,
- 1 tbs yeast,
- 1/2 tbs salt
- 1.5 cups hand hot water
- 1/2 jar Marinara sauce
- 5 cups mozzarella cheese (use more or less cheese to taste)
- 1 onion thinly sliced
- 1 pepper thinly sliced
- 1 medium pack mushrooms thinly sliced
- 2 tablespoons pesto
- 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
Combine ingredients for crust and knead in a stand mixer with a dough hook or by hand for 10 mins. Once dough is smooth, divide in 2 and roll out on 2 pizza stones or baking sheets – lightly greased.
Thinly spread 1 tbs pesto over each crust and top with partisan cheese. You can increase or decrease the amount of pesto and parmesan cheese to taste.
Add Marinara sauce and spread leaving 1/4″ of crust at the edges. Add thinly sliced veg and cheese. Cover with greased cling wrap and put in warm place until puffy and risen.
Bake in 400 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.

- Thinly sliced red and green cabbage, and grated carrot
- Alternately buy 3 bags pre cut coleslaw mix (Trader Jo’s)
- Combine 1/4 cup mayo, 1 tbs lemon juice, 1/2 tbs apple cider vinegar, 1 tbs sugar, 1/2 tsp salt.
Mix and enjoy with your pizza.